Ryan Johnson

Welcome To My [Unfinished] Blog

Ryan Johnson

Hi there,

Welcome to my new blog. I have probably built 3-5 of these for myself in the past with high hopes of filling up the feed with witty musings about web development and Manchester United. Sadly, I often get too busy to write and it ends up slipping to the bottom of my to-do list. Woe is me, am I right?

I am particularly excited about this version of my blog. I am using a new CMS called Prismic for my blog and for most of the content on my new portfolio site. Prismic is a headless CMS that provides a relatively intuitive way to create content structures and then fill those structures with all sorts of rich content. The new Prismic CMS combined with Gatsby and the power of React has made building this blog site fun and I have gotten to learn some fun new things along the way.

Hopefully this is not the only blog post I write on this platform. I don't think it will be, as I am feeling quite motivated to write these days. Who knows, maybe in a few months I can look back and laugh at how pessimistic I was when writing this.

To The Future!

Ryan Johnson
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